Why R? Foundation (Liquidation)
Data Science Conferences, Meetups and Hackathons
Goals and the scope
Why R? Foundation in 2018
Why R? 2018 Conference - After Movie and Summary
Why R? 2018 Conference - CfP ends May 25th
Why R? 2018 Conference - Registration and Call for Papers Opened
Why R? 2019 Conference - Summary
Organize Why R? 2019 pre-meeting in your city
Why R? 2019 - Agenda Released + Regular Registration Ends Aug 31st!
Why R? 2019 Conference - Keynotes and Workshops announced
Why R? 2019 Conference - Registration and Call for Papers Opened
Daniel Aleman - The Key Metric for your Forecast is... TRUST
Emil Hvitfeldt - palette2vec - A new way to explore color paletttes
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Integrating Rshiny and REDCap
Kenneth Benoit - Why you should stop using other text mining packages and embrace quanteda
Why R 2020 Discussion Panel - Statistical Misconceptions
Why R 2020 Discussion Panel - Performance in R
Why R 2020 Discussion Panel - Bioinformatics
Why R 2020 Discussion Panel - Geospatial
Upcoming Why R Webinar - JuliaR combining Julia and R
Upcoming Why R Webinar - R at Microsoft
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Clean up your data screening process with _reporteR_
Why R Webinar - Mocking in R
Why R Webinar - Satellite imagery analysis in R
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Preserving wildlife with computer vision AND Scaling Shiny Dashboards on a Budget
Why R Webinar - R on AWS
MaĆgorzata Bogdan - Recent developments on Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation
Frank Harrell - Controversies in Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning
Upcoming Why R? and X-Europe Webinars in November
Roger Bivand - Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R - retrospect and prospect
Why R? Webinar - How to start your own rstats group - Building an inclusive and fun R community
Riinu Pius - R for Health Data Science - from clinicians who code to Shiny interventions
Julia Silge - Data visualization for machine learning practitioners
Jan Vitek - R MELTS BRAINS - or How I Learned to Love Failing at Compiling R
Why R? 2020 Conference Summary
Why R? Text Mining Hackathon Summary
Upcoming Why R? Webinars in October
Why R? 2020 Conference Starts 2020-09-26
Lessons learned from 500+ Data Science interviews
Why R? 2020 Discussion Panels
Why McKinsey Analytics + Ken Benoit Talk
Why R? Keynote Kick Off - Julia Silge - Today 5pm UTC
Why R? 2020 Keynotes
Last Week to Register for Why R? 2020 Conference
Last Seats for Why R? 2020 Workshops
Why R? Webinar - Me, Myself and my Rprofile
Why R? Text Mining Hackathon
Why R? 2020 (Remote) Agenda and Workshops Announced
Why R? Webinar - Data Science for Social Justice
Why R? Webinar - Reproducible research with workflowr
Upcoming Why R? Webinars in September
Why R? 2020 (Remote) Call for Papers Extended
Why R? 2020 (Remote) Call for Papers Deadline
Why R? Webinar - JD Long - Helping drive data science adoption in organizations
Neural Networks using Tensorflow via Keras in R - Video
Why R? Webinar - Neural Networks for Modelling Molecular Interactions with Tensorflow
Why R? 2020 Conference - Going Remote!
Why R? Webinar - Understanding Word Embeddings
Why R? Webinar - Pipelines and AutoML with mlr3
Why R? Webinar - TUESDAY - Uplift modeling for marketing campaigns
Why R? Webinar - Scalable Automatic Machine Learning in R with H2O AutoML
Why R? Webinar - Humanitarian Data Analysis with R
Why R? Webinar - Advanced Data Preparation for Supervised Machine Learning
Why R? Webinar - Development pipeline for R production - rZYPAD
Why R? Webinar - Recent changes in R spatial and how to be ready for them
Why R? Webinar - Teaching Machine Learning online
Why R? Webinars
Why R? 2020 Conference - Registration and Call for Papers Opened
Organize Why R? 2020 pre-meeting in your city
Upcoming Why R? and X-Europe Webinars in November
Why R? Webinar - How to start your own rstats group - Building an inclusive and fun R community
Upcoming Why R? Webinars in October
Why R? Webinar - Me, Myself and my Rprofile
Why R? Webinar - Data Science for Social Justice
Why R? Webinar - Reproducible research with workflowr
Upcoming Why R? Webinars in September
Why R? Webinar - JD Long - Helping drive data science adoption in organizations
Neural Networks using Tensorflow via Keras in R - Video
Why R? Webinar - Neural Networks for Modelling Molecular Interactions with Tensorflow
Why R? Webinar - Understanding Word Embeddings
Why R? Webinar - Pipelines and AutoML with mlr3
Why R? Webinar - TUESDAY - Uplift modeling for marketing campaigns
Why R? Webinar - Scalable Automatic Machine Learning in R with H2O AutoML
Why R? Webinar - Humanitarian Data Analysis with R
Why R? Webinar - Advanced Data Preparation for Supervised Machine Learning
Why R? Webinar - Development pipeline for R production - rZYPAD
Why R? Webinar - Recent changes in R spatial and how to be ready for them
Why R? Webinar - Teaching Machine Learning online
Why R? Webinars
Why R? 2021 Conference Summary
Awardees of Supporting grant for Women in Data Science
Awardees of Community award for Outstanding Community Leaders
Why R? 2021 Starts Tomorrow
Why R? 2021 Discussion Panels
Why R? 2021 Pearson Session
Why R? 2021 Jumping Rivers Session
Why R? 2021 Invited Talks
Why R? 2021 Keynotes
Why R? 2021 agenda is published!
Why R? 2021 agenda is almost there!
Why R? Community award for Outstanding Community Leaders
Why R? Webinars are back
Why R? 2021 Conference - Last days of Call for Papers
Why R? 2021 Conference - Call for Papers and Registration
Why R? 2021 Conference - Remote
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Analysing Political Speeches in R - some approaches
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Data Optimisation Network
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Tabular reporting with the flextable package
Upcoming Workshop - Connecting Bioconductor to other bioinformatics tools using Rcwl
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Towards automating Time Series Forecasting Using R
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Running your R script in the Cloud
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Interpretation of single-cell RNA-seq trajectories
Upcoming Workshop - RNA-seq analysis is easy as 1-2-3 with limma, Glimma and edgeR
Upcoming Why R Webinar - What makes a good (fantasy) football manager? - web scraping and data analysis in R
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Efficient computation with R
Upcoming Why R Webinar - R in PowerBi - an introduction
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Why using R for analysis of the human microbiome is a good idea