Why R? Turkey 2022

15-16-17 April

WhyR ? Turkey 2022 is a non-profit conference that aims to bring together Turkish R users. Targeted audience of the conference consists of, data scientists, data analysts and all R users from academia and industry.

Three-days conference will be fully online and free-of-charge. There will be workshops, regular talks, lightning talks and panels. Regular and lightning talks will be in Turkish. However, it is planned to have workshops in both Turkish and English.

Time left to
%D Gün : %H Saat : %M Dakika : %S Saniye

About the Conference

Last year first edition of the conference was organized by covering talks from 8 different domains and by having 19 invited speakers. Last year's conference web page can be reached from here . Conference report for the last year's edition was published in The R Journal. To reach the article kindly click here

Why R? Turkey 2022 Organization Committee is inviting Turkish researchers from all over the world to submit an abstract for a regular talk or a lightining talk

During conference there will be workshops in both English and Turkish, regular talks, lightining talks and panels in Turkish.





Organization Committee

Dr. Mustafa Çavuş
Warsaw University of Technology
Eskişehir Technical University

Dr. Olgun Aydın
Gdańsk University of Technology

Dr. Ozan Evkaya
Università degli Studi di Padova

Dr. Derya Turfan
Hacettepe University

Ozancan Özdemir
Middle East Technical University

Filiz Karadağ
Ege University

Deniz Benzer
Middle East Technical University

Uğur Dar
Eskişehir Technical University

Scientific Committee
